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Journal of Justice Dialectical
Journal title Justice Dialectical Initials JDD Abbreviation Just. Dialec. Frequency 2 issues per year DOI Prefix by ISSN E-ISSN: 2598-6368 Editor-in-chief Prof. Dr. Pujiyono Suwadi, S.H., M.H. Publisher Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Hukum Adhyaksa Citation Analysis Google Scholar | SCOPUS
The Journal of Justice Dialectical (JJD) is a peer-reviewed periodical that provides a dynamic platform for the dissemination of ideas on criminal law and criminal justice system. In our contemporary globalized world, it is almost impossible to isolate developments in the law in one jurisdiction or society from another. At the same time, theoretically informed papers on a wide range of fields linked to criminological research and analysis. JJD is an open-access, peer-reviewed, and refereed international journal published by Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Hukum Adhyaksa. The scope of JJD includes both studies of crime and interpretations of forms and dimensions of criminal law; analyses of criminological debates and contested theoretical frameworks of criminal justice system analysis; criminal justice and penal policy and practices; policing policies and policing forms and practices; criminal law and practice from a socio-legal perspective, election Crime, economic crime and juvenile crime.
The journal enthusiastically welcomes submissions from scholars in related fields. In publishing, however, novelty and timeliness of issues take precedence.
Jurnal Bhakti Adhyaksa
Jurnal Bhakti Adhyaksa Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Hukum (STIH) Adhyaksa merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang memuat makalah dan artikel ilmiah yang berasal dari hasil-hasil penelitian terapan berbasis Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat.
Jurnal ini diterbitkan 2 (dua) kali dalam setahun yaitu pada bulan Desember dan Juli oleh Bagian Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat yang didukung oleh Pusat Kajian Kejaksaan.